About Kene Resort
Hey hey!
Judy here. I'm the founder and CEO of KENE, a small batch womenswear brand based in Los Angeles, CA. I've been a long time lover of fashion and style-- in fact it's in my blood. My grandma was a major fabric distributor in Nigeria and my mom continued that legacy selling traditional fabrics here in the States.
I'm thrilled to have you become part of the KENE family. Our brand is for fashion conscious women who use their personal style as a tool to make a statement to the world. Our small batch collections are designed with versatility in mind. Every item is created with the intention of being dressed up or down.
I truly believe that versatility is beautiful not only when it comes to style, but also in how we live our everyday lives. When I'm not curating designs for KENE, I'm taking care of children as a pediatrician. Many of our models and even our talented photographer are women in healthcare, just like me. They embody the essence of versatility, balancing their careers with their own unique interests. I'm a strong believer that life is all about leaning into any and everything that you're passionate about. I hope you feel inspired to do the same by wearing KENE.